Thursday, November 18, 2010

How, Come it Had to Be Ahmose

Ahmose was king of Egypt he was a great king for the whole division's he was in.He died in the twenty-sixth year of his rule i be happy if i lived that long well now u can people 100 say that all the time i bet.Sometimes people think about how he was such a great king or do they people now probably say that he was the worst king in the world.Some people say that moses got his name from him but people say that he got his name from moses but i will just say that i think ahomse was born fist.I think that people should see that he was born million a years ago and should just get over that he was great no matter what people say but i know who thought that his father you know the one that died when he was 10 that bad for him but that who got him to be whop he wanted to be

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